Get Measurably Better™ performance from your organic search strategy.

Talk to us about a performance-based SEO strategy.

Talk to us about a performance-based SEO strategy.

We specialize in getting brands a dominant share of voice in organic search for keyword themes that deliver commercial results.

keywords into top 3 rankings for overall site

increase in traffic for EV content

organic search visits QoQ

Get Wines Direct

increase in revenue

increase in organic traffic

increase in avg. order value

improvement in spend efficiency


increase in overall keywords ranking

increase in organic web traffic

keywords ranking

users visiting new content via non-branded keywords

Brand House Direct

increase in overall keywords

increase in organic web traffic

increase in organic revenue

increase in organic purchases

Get Measurably Better™ performance from your organic search strategy

Our entire team of content producers, strategists & developers look at your brands organic search strategy in a holistic, omnichannel manner. We look to grow your organic search footprint to turn your domain into an authority within your category, thereby capturing an increased share of voice with the content your brand produces.

We look to leverage assets from your entire brand ecosystem for the benefit of your organic search program.

We got you covered for all your organic search needs:

  • SEO Strategy + SEO Audits
  • Site migrations
  • Content creation
  • On-page optimisation
  • Off-page optimisation (link-building)
  • Local SEO
  • International SEO
  • Voice SEO
  • App store optimisation
  • Social platform optimisation (eg: YouTube)

Get Measurably Better™ performance from your organic search strategy


Why Next&Co?

A focus on the commercials. We focus on deploying the specific elements of organic search optimisation strategy that will get you a search presence that delivers your brand commercial outcomes and ROI.

Deal with the do’ers. We don’t have account managers at Next&Co so you would be speaking directly experts working on your account.

Performance based. We implement performance-based pricing to align your brands expectations and our performance.

Benchmark your current organic search presence

Search trends

Understand how your audiences are engaging with search and what trends are around the corner

Market analysis

Assess how your brand is performing in regards to organic share of voice and quantify the value of improved performance

Competitor analysis

Get insight into how your competitors are performing in organic search

Build roadmap

Define both an immediate and long-term roadmap to capture more organic search traffic

Who’s a fit for Next&Co?

We work with established, customer-centric brands that want to challenge the status quo and put performance at the heart of what they do.

Frequently asked questions

How much could SEO be worth to my brand?
We can help you answer this question. We can help you quantify what the total addressable market is in your particular category and develop a realistic roadmap of how your brand can look to capture share of voice
How do I know if an agency is a fit for my brand?
Whilst there is no one-size fits all answer to this question it is very important to assess a potential fit with a potential agency. Aside from evaluating what their specific strategy for your brand would be (avoid generic one-size-fits-all packages) and experience in your category it is equally important to assess if you have a good working chemistry with the team that would be looking after you. Reputable SEO agencies generally love to educate and demystify the organic search space so should be happy to answer any questions you have.
How do you measure the effectiveness of an organic search strategy?

Whilst there are various ways to assess the effectiveness of an organic search strategy, a common methodology can look like:

  • Assess uplift in rankings (from target keywords)
  • Assess uplift in traffic (both organic & direct)
  • Assess uplift in conversions/engagements

It is recommended that each strategy have its own bespoke metrics and KPI’s

How much does SEO cost?

The age old question.

Well…it depends.

Our SEO programs are priced based on the resourcing gap between your domain and the competitors that currently rank for the keywords your brand is targeting. We quantify the gap and price a monthly retainer to get you results in the quickest, safest way possible.

How long does it take to get top rankings?

Another age old question.

Well…it depends.

Just as variable as the ‘cost’ of SEO, a timeframe taken to get good rankings can be variable depending on the gap between your brand and the websites currently ranked for your target keywords. A timeline to bridge this gap safely would be variable. We do advise clients that SEO is a medium - long term play that can help grow your brand VS something you do for immediate results.

Can you benchmark my existing search presence and that of my competitors?
Yes. We have access to several tools (both proprietary and third party) that can help you get a better understanding of your current state of search presence. Just get in touch with us and request an ‘SEO audit’ and we will be happy to help.

Benchmark your brands current state of organic search